Like in every project, no execution nor targets can be met without any sophistication management, processes, and proactive approach.
“Behind the scenes”, where PSE kids cannot see, there are four teams, Organization, Logistics, Accounting and Communication, that have worked relentlessly during the past weeks to make the 2022 Winter Programmes possible. Striving and supervising the well-functioning of the School Continuity Programme, as their duty.

In the first place, the Logistics Team, managed from the beginning by Gonzalo and afterwards by Santi, started long before the Projects begun to ensure that every possible action and risk has been considered. Some of the essential tasks of the Logistics Team are the following: from the accommodation for the volunteers, going through the outings for the children (strongly fought to get the best prizes and free activities), materials, feeding, transportation, among others. Without them, the School Continuity Programme could not take place. As Santi says “you do not work so closely with kids or instructors, but you get to have a closer look of how PSE works. It is very operational, and you learn a lot from the problems that you might find each day”.

The Accounting Team, led by Fati, has the objective of showing transparency and keeping count of the expenses of the Programme. Even though there is a fixed budget for each Project, needs may change throughout the course of the Programme. Therefore, Fati makes sure that the money assigned to each Team is correctly and efficiently spent and justified. Both the Accounting and the Logistics Team are constantly in contact with the coordinators, as well as with PSE departments.

In the third place, the Communication Team works with the aim of raising awareness and advocacy about what is being done in each Project. The photographer, Nico, creates content for the blog as well as for the annual calendar, events, flyers and social media. María, along with Khmer coordinator Phim, write the daily posts for the blog and social media. This allows PSE to reach more people, to attract more sponsors and volunteers and to, in conclusion, show the world a peak of what PSE does for our children.

Last, but not least, the organization team is the backup of the whole Programme. The supervisors, Elena and Luis, oversee the organization´s processes to make sure that the rules are being followed, that the volunteers are doing a good job and that the children are not only enjoying but learning. Elena and Luis work side by side with the coordinators to ensure the correct development of each project. Beyond the day-to-day running of the activities, they have an overview of the project, review the planning and act as the coordinators’ advisors. In addition, they work closely with Pablo, the director of PSE Spain, as well as with Fernando and Marisa, who are the leaders of the School Continuity Programme.
PSE as a hole, is inspired to continue working towards a more sustainable future for the kids. For the next years, these teams will continue evolving and learning from both the Programme’s successes and struggles, adapting to new challenges but also continuing to generate value for the kids.
We would like to conclude by thanking Deloitte, Attalea Partners and other sponsors mentioned in other posts, for financing the general costs of the 2022 School Continuity Programme and the specific projects respectively. Without them, the simple development would not have even be possible!